Sunday, April 17, 2005

Anger Management

Handling the public is never an easy job.
Especially when it comes to people who irritates the hell out of you.

I am not a racist.
I do not look down on people who are less fortunate.
But based on actual facts, Malays are the most problematic individuals you can come across in MCC.
Majority of them are lowly educated, have criminal records and most importantly.. Dumb. You can also be intrigued as to how lazy they can become. I am listing all these in General. Of course, there are also those who are smart and different from the rest. In fact, I had known some who are exceptionally intelligent and hardworking. Malays can be very funny at times, but they can also be the most rowdy bunch anywhere, even in the public where there are lots of other people around.
I handle the public every working day in my company, be it in the front line or in phone calls.
Checkpoint 1 is the counter which I have to cover whenever there is a shortage of manpower. It is the first counter a pre-enlistee has to go through before he proceeds to the other stations. In order for them to be registered, they have to give us their ICs and questionaires.
A questionaire is a list of personal conditions, mostly medical related, which the pre-en has to declare. It is needed to be endorsed by his parents as well.
What troubles me is that there are always people who never bring their questionaires or didn't let their parents sign their forms.
How can anyone complete the application without signing when it's stated so obvious. Some would even give us a complete one but without the owner's particulars. How can anyone be so lazy?
Lazy is when you have a tiring day at work and you don't feel like going anywhere else.
Lazy is when you are enjoying so much that you put your work aside.
Lazy is when you hang out in your neighbourhood instead of going all the way to town.
But filling up a form without your own particulars or parental endorsement, it's just ridiculous. With this kind of laziness, I am not surprised if one could actually spend the whole week without bathing at all.
Whenever I come across such situations.. it has to be a malay. 8 out of 10 trouble makers are malays and I swear to god I am not lying.
When registering them, we also need to know whether it's their first time here and their highest educational level. One look at a malay and you can tell that he is either in ITE or not studying at all. Very rarely would one be higher than that. The most annoying thing of all, is that some can even say that they are studying in ITE 'college'. I mean like.. to add the word college behind ITE is highly unnecessary. It totally blows me away whenever I hear that. I feel so much like giving them one tight slap and asking them to wake up.
'Hey Muthafucker, you are already condemned. No point saying the word college to console yourself. Any lazy ass whore can end up in that school of retards.'
We would ask them where they were studying at the moment so as to know their education levels. We would cut short by asking 'where do you study?' when the queue becomes long.
There was once when I asked this guy.
'Where do you study?'
He thought for a while and said..
'At home.'
He's not totally wrong there but if he did use his brains, he would have known what we needed to know and not where he usually studys.

Malays have the longest names but the smallest brains.

There are many who have low IQs and mental problems.
I did come across a list of people who are Pes F.
It was like having the roll call of Malaysian army.
Speaking of retardation, parents do play a part too. I suspect that some of the traits are being passed down from their parents. I do come across parents who ask stupid questions which just make you feel like ending your own life. There are also dumb ones who doesn't know what the hell is going on and expect us to entertain them.
There was once when I encountered a mother whose son was in prison. I needed to know when her son was going to be released so that I could make the arrangements for him to attend his medical checkup. But to my astonishment, she told me she wasn't sure.
She is a malay too.
And the thing was.. it's her son we were talking about. Not just any hamster she was rearing. She could even tell me she didn't know. Either she simply didn't care, or she is just as retarded as any other typical ones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:47:00 PM  

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