Saturday, October 15, 2005

Total Defence

Did an overnight duty on Monday.

Duties now are no longer the same as before.
We have somewhat combined forces with the RPs (Regimental Police) guarding at the gates and are doing together with them. The only difference is that they carry guns on them while we don't.
I suppose the reason why we don't need one is because we are highly trained in Martial Arts.

We are there for a purpose.
To help open and close the gates for the incoming traffic.
I think it's just another lame excuse to make full use of underpaid NSFs since the RPs could do the same too.
Ironically, it would be better if there are more things for the RPs to do rather than standing down there most of the time like Army action figures.

My shift was from 10pm to 2am. One personnel has to be standing outside while the other has to stay operative at the Pass Station.
During these 4 hours, by right I was not allowed to sleep or do anything inappropriate.
Usually I don't go by right or left,
I go by the centre Express lane.
Luckily the guy who was doing the shift with me was on the same lane as me.
We took turns of 1 hour each to stand outside and also watch CSI Vcds on his laptop when inside the station.
Quite tired for me to be standing outside together with the RPs for 1 hour each interval.
But I guess it's nothing much to complain since the RPs are there for a much longer time.
I spent an hour talking with them, went back for a Vcd session and then later coming back to stand again with the same RPs I have seen earlier on.
I don't mean to sound impolite,
but those guys really do need to get a life you know.

Staff Sergeant Choo was in charge on that night.
He is quite a funny guy to begin with. As soon as I heard him speak, I could sense his humour.
Full of lame jokes that got me laughing.
I knew he wasn't that strict afterall and probably that's what motivated me to get into the Express lane.
And to those who don't know him yet,
it aint difficult to spot him from a distance.
He's the only SGT with a MP logo wrapped around his arm and also whose head is balding so much that needs Beijing 101 treatment as soon as possible.

Speaking of security,
this game has drove most of us insane.
Li Soon was the top champion who had advanced to stage 45.
Rumours have said that he stayed overnight in his station just to play the game and not spending the slightest time on his regular meals at all.

It is a highly addictive game and may cause people to neglect their work and family.
It functions like a drug,
and without it...
One wouldn't be able to live on properly.

Warning : Please read the above carefully before trying it out.
I won't be responsible if anything happens.
If not,
by all means...
Go ahead.

I dare you.


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